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Thiossane: African Heritage in Science, Mathematics and Technology

7250 Mesa College Dr  San Diego, CA 92111

Black Studies Department

Tell us  your experience if you are STEM Major Student


An anthropologist proposed a game to the children of an African tribe. He put a basket of fruit near a tree and told them that whoever came first would win all the fruit. When given the signal to run, the children held hands and ran, sitting down together to enjoy the prize.

When asked why they had run together, if only one could get all the fruit, they said, UBUNTU, how could one of us be happy if everyone else is sad?

UBUNTU in Xhosa culture means:

”I am because we are”

This Site was developed by the Honors Students of Thiossane: African Heritage in Science, Technology/Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)

Black Studies Department

San Diego Mesa College

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